How to measure outcomes

Mark Lait
4 min readFeb 18, 2021

How good are you at achieving successful outcomes?

In my book I talk about persistence and commitment being the keys to achieving successful outcomes. You know what happens when you write something like that and put it out to the world? You have to live by it because you are going to be challenged on it all the time — not only by people who want you to explain yourself and give them examples of how you do it, but by yourself and that’s the one you have to go to bed with every night — there’s no escaping yourself. This is a fantastic thing! We’re all human and we all burnout and need a break, and when you’re having that break, it’s easy to think, hmm, this is nice — I don’t have to do anything … for a while — then your conscience taps you on the shoulder and says, ‘when are you going to get on with the job? Remember how you tell everyone that persistence and commitment are the keys to those successful outcomes everybody wants?’

How do you deal with this situation, it’s time to get on with it but you’re having a nice time doing nothing. If you’re prepared to put it out there to the world like I am, you have to be prepared to live by it and implement your own advice — when you do this, guess what happens — you get things done … you do the things that you said you were going to do and achieve the outcomes you want to achieve — it’s a great system.

I’m Mark Lait and if I can help you overcome that feeling of overwhelm when it all seems too hard, if you get something out of this, please subscribe to the youtube channel and give us the thumbs up. I want to help you achieve those successful outcomes you dream about.

I’m naturally laid back and if I can avoid something I will try to, I like the easy life … as humans, if someone else looks like they’re going to do something for us, we have a tendency to let them, one less thing for us to do right? But when you control your own destiny and do the things you said you were going to do to completion and I’ll repeat that — you must do them to completion, not just let them fade out because that’s what most people do — it gets too hard so they stop doing it. When you do those things to completion you can’t fail at achieving a successful outcome.

Let me give you an example of how this applied to me. One of the ways we generate leads is through competition boxes and when we first started doing them, I hated the idea … I liked the idea of making money from them, but it just seemed like too much hard work for me as I was already so busy. I let someone else do it … it was a circus, there were so many different processes written by so many different people that it was bedlam, and still we made money from them, there was no discipline, there was no organisation, and there was no systematic approach. I knew that I had to do something about it but even after a couple of years I still didn’t want to, although I could see that it was very flawed until one day, I decided to take control of it.

Now because of what I said earlier about doing things to completion, I knew that once I started to rewrite how the competition box process should work, I wouldn’t be able to stop until it was finished. Well, I’ve done it now and I feel like a fool for not having done this much earlier. The system works flawlessly, 90% of the previous process has been eliminated and it is now a very simple workflow that provides accountability, great reporting and an avalanche of leads.

Have a look at the free tips on our website for more great information on how to make money from your photography business, if you either have or can develop an attitude of persistence and commitment you will succeed in anything you do.

Remember, it’s not what you do, it’s what you are prepared to do that makes the difference.

In my next experience sharing, I’m going to talk about being an award winning photographer and you might be surprised to learn that I’ve never won an award for anything, but there’s a reason for that — see you next week.

